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man giving praise to God on a hillside

Our Vision: To make warriors for Christ, to help men to live free and full in Christ Jesus

We are a group of Christian men helping other men live life to the fullest, free in Christ Jesus.

Book Cover Wild at Heart

Wild at Heart:  Discovering the Secrets of a Man Soul  by John Eldredge


  • The heart of a man

  • The Poser

  • The Wound

  • Healing the wound (The Heart)

  • A battle to fight

  • An adventure to live

  • A beauty to rescue

  • ​A band of Brothers

  • The Heart…

Michael Carter

Michael Carter

Michael married his high school sweetheart, Katherine, over 40 years ago and they now call Brantford Ontario home.  They have 2 adult daughters, Elizabeth and Lyndsey who are both happily married.  Michael is a proud and loving grandfather to four rambunctious boys and one beautiful granddaughter.


Michael re-committed his life to Christ over 12 years ago and is delighted that his wife, both daughters and husbands love Jesus Christ.


He enjoys scuba diving, fishing, canoeing and is exhilarated to invite his children and grandchildren in to these casual adventures.


During his second Boot Camp where God restored his own heart in Christ Jesus and healed some old wounds, he asked the Lord to break his heart for men.


“Deep in his heart, every man longs for a battle to fight, an adventure to live and a beauty to rescue.”  - John Eldredge


Michael’s heart and vision is to do just what John Eldredge says:


“To rescue the hearts of children and the hearts of men. How do you rescue a child’s heart? Go after the heart of the man: Father, grandfather, son, to live in the grace and fullness of Christ Jesus. Our River Runs and Boot Camps is where men tell their stories on how God has restored their hearts.”  -Michael Carter

Will Tracey

Will has been married to his lovely wife Sharon for over 20 years and they have two strapping young adult sons who still live at home.


Will grew up in a strong Christian home and Jesus has been Lord of his life since he was a young boy.


He holds Sunday evening prayer meetings in his home church where his heart and vision is to see God move in his church and our city of Brantford, bringing restoration to broken lives and a fresh passion for Jesus. His kind and graceful heart has drawn men to him through the Grand River Band of Brothers.


During the first boot camp Will attended, God spoke to him saying, “You are my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased”, bringing healing to a deep wound. This experience birthed a deep desire in Will’s heart to create a safe place where men can open up and be honest with each other without fear of judgment or criticism, where men can journey together to find freedom and healing for their hearts and souls.

William Tracey

After reading the Book Wild at Heart by John Eldredge and attending several Band of Brothers Boot Camps, Will Tracey and Michael Carter started up Grand River Band of Brothers.

Michael Carter and Will Tracey co-lead and hold a weekly meeting as they minister to men of all ages.

The Grand River Run is a shared vision of the Grand River Band of Brothers, inspired by God, where adventure meets ministry as men share their testimonies in partnership with the Holy Spirit to restore the hearts of men.

Man fishing on the River. Luke 19:10 KJV
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Band of Brothers 2024

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